Pierre Bazier

mainly focuses on proceedings before the Belgian Supreme Court (Cour de cassation / Hof van cassatie), especially in civil and commercial matters. In addition, he assists and advises Belgian clients in civil, commercial and corporate law disputes.

Pierre is also a visiting professor at UCLouvain where he gives an introductory course on law at the Faculty of Economic, Social, Political and Communication Sciences.

Before joining Simont Braun, Pierre was an Assistant Lecturer at the Centre de droit privé of the UCLouvain for eight years. On this occasion, he carried out several studies on complex subjects of the law of obligations and contract law. During this period, Pierre wrote a thesis on “L’intuitus personae dans le contrat“. This research enabled him to provide answers to the many questions raised by the concept of intuitus personae during the formation, execution, transfer and dissolution of the contract.

Finally, Pierre is a member of the “Obligations” and “Special Contracts” committees of the “Revue Générale de Droit Civil belge – Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Burgerlijk Recht”. He was secretary of this bilingual review for seven years when he was an Assistant Lecturer at the UCLouvain.


PhD in Legal Sciences (UCLouvain), 2020
Master of Laws (UCLouvain), 2011
Member of the Brussels bar since 2020


"De quelques réflexions sur l'évolution de l'intuitus personae en matière bancaire"
D.B.F., 2021, pp. 267-274
23 February, 2022
L’intuitus personae dans le contrat
Liège, Kluwer, 2020, 665 pages
5 May, 2021