Comment faire face au coronavirus (COVID-19) sur le lieu de travail ?

Update 18 Mars 2020  |  L’épidémie de coronavirus prend de plus en plus d’ampleur dans notre pays et les mesures prises par le gouvernement sont de plus en plus contraignantes pour les citoyens, avec un impact direct sur leur vie professionnelle. Il nous semble dès lors utile de rapidement rappeler les mesures qu’il est possible […]

Simont Braun assists AION in building the new next generation Challenger Bank

Brussels, 10 March 2020  |  Simont Braun successfully assisted AION in building an entirely digital and mobile bank, making it the first of its kind next generation Challenger Bank in Belgium. AION has officially launched its services on 3 March 2020. AION is the former Banca Monte Pasci Belgio and was purchased by the American […]

Retour à l’unanimité des voix en matière de copropriété ?

Le 20 février, la Cour Constitutionnelle a annulé la disposition permettant à l’assemblée générale des copropriétaires de décider, à la majorité des quatre cinquièmes, la démolition ou la reconstruction totale de l’immeuble pour des raisons de salubrité, de sécurité ou de coûts excessifs d’une mise en conformité de l’immeuble par rapport à sa valeur. La […]

Simont Braun ranked Band 1 in FinTech by Chambers & Partners

For the first time, Chambers & Partners ranked the best FinTech law firms in Belgium. Simont Braun’s Digital Finance Team is extremely proud to be the only law firm ranked in Band 1, and recognised as a leading law firm amongst its peers by this guide of reference on the global legal market. “They’re a […]

Simont Braun’s Open Office Day – 13 February 2020

Simont Braun

Simont Braun is happy to invite law students in M1, M2 and LL.M. to its Open Office Day on Thursday 13 February 2020 at 5:15 pm. After short presentations on our main practices and the work environment at Simont Braun, partners and associates will be happy to have a chat over a drink. See the official invitation here. […]

Insurance – National Bank of Belgium published the Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding on supervisory cooperation and exchange of information

Recognising the need and the benefit of mutual assistance in ongoing supervision and on-site inspections and in the exchange of information concerning (re)insurance undertakings with cross-border establishments in the UK and the EEA, the UK authorities and EEA authorities responsible for the supervision of the insurance industry have agreed on the establishment of cooperation agreements […]

Code of Companies and Associations: What changes on 1 January 2020?

Since May 2019, Belgium prides itself on a modern Code of Companies and Associations (CCA). The legislature provided for a gradual entry into force of the new Code. This newsletter discusses what changes on 1 January 2020. The CCA entered into force on 1 May 2019 for newly incorporated companies, associations and foundations. It was […]

Simont Braun promotes Fanny Laune and Thomas Derval to Counsel

Belgian independent law firm Simont Braun boosts its capabilities with two new counsels. Fanny Laune has been assisting Belgian and international clients before the Belgian courts in commercial and corporate matters for more than ten years. Recently, she successfully completed a training in mediation, an increasingly popular method of dispute resolution. Apart from her expert […]

The EU reinforces the protection of whistleblowers

EU reinforces protection of whistleblowers

Directive 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report breaches of EU law (or “whistleblowers”) was published on 26 November 2019. This Directive requires, among others, that all companies with more than 50 employees and public sector entities establish internal procedures to facilitate and ensure rapid follow-up on reported breaches. To ensure the effectiveness of […]

Restrictions of cross-border sales under EU competition rules

Companies are in principle free to establish in Europe the distribution system that best serves their interests, including selective distribution where their products are put on the market through qualified distributors only. However, recent fines imposed by the European Commission confirm that licensing and distribution systems must nevertheless comply with Article 101 and 102 TFEU […]

La fin du courrier sous film plastique ? Pas si vite…

Il y a quelques mois, nous vous annoncions que le Gouvernement wallon avait adopté, le 28 février 2019, un arrêté visant à diminuer certains déchets et favoriser la propreté publique (Voir notre news de juin 2019). Pour rappel, cet arrêté considère que « la mise sous film plastique des publications gratuites n’est pas indispensable à leur […]