Simont Braun secures major victory for Wolu TV against Telenet

Simont Braun (Emmanuel Cornu and Thomas Derval) secured an important victory for Wolu TV ASBL against Telenet. Our lawyers successfully represented the association before the Brussels Business Court in a compensation claim brought by the telecom company. Read more in an article by Nicolas Keszei published yesterday in L’Echo.

UBO Register: new deadline extension

The Belgian Minister of Finance announced yesterday that the deadline for the 1st registration in the UBO register had been extended to 30 September 2019 (instead of 31 March). For more information on this topic, please see our previous news authored by Sandrine Hirsch and Jacques Malherbe.

Simont Braun is a proud founding member of the Legal Diversity & Inclusion Alliance

Simont Braun is pleased to be one of the 36 co-founding members of the Legal Diversity & Inclusion Alliance (LDIA). By joining #LDIA, member firms commit to creating a diverse and inclusive work environment, exchange good practices, and raise awareness of non-discrimination and diversity issues. The LDIA Charter was signed last week at the kick-off […]

Le droit du procès civil – Colloque et parution du Volume 2

Le colloque « Le droit du procès civil – Etat actuel et analyse des réformes à venir » a attiré plus de 300 participants ce lundi 28 janvier à l’ULB.   Les interventions de Fanny Laune et de Marc Baetens-Spetschinsky sont disponibles ici : La déformalisation de l’acte juridictionnel et le régime des nullités par Fanny Laune Incertitude concernant les conditions de recevabilité […]

Two Partners appointed in the Industrial property Section of the Council for Intellectual Property

The FPS Economy has just appointed, for their legal expertise, Fernand de Visscher as President and Emmanuel Cornu as a member of the Industrial Property section of the Council for Intellectual Property. The Council for Intellectual Property is an advisory body made up of experts and representatives of various sectors concerned with the intellectual property. Its main mission is […]

2019, the year of truth for open banking (RTS – SCA)

Introduction In the world of Payments and FinTech, PSD2 has been a hot topic for several years now. Last year was already a crucial year with the transposition deadline of this directive scheduled for 13 January 2018. This transposition gave rise to significant (and by now very well-known) changes such as the introduction of regulation […]

New Companies and Associations Code – Update January 2019

A number of amendments to the draft law were proposed at the Parliament’s plenary session on 18 December 2018. A new opinion from the Council of State is expected soon. For an outline of the main changes vis-a-vis the existing regulations, you may refer to the slides prepared by Paul Alain Foriers, Partner in our Corporate […]

A step towards a harmonised EU insolvency framework

On 19 December 2018, the Council of the EU and the Parliament reached an agreement on the proposal for a directive on “preventive restructuring frameworks, second chance and measures to increase the efficiency of restructuring, insolvency and discharge procedures”. The main objective of the directive is to enhance the rescue culture across the EU. To do […]

Durable medium: Conceptual and legal harmonisation

Since the late 1990s, the Belgian legislator has been referring to the notion of ‘durable medium’ in order to indicate a bearer of information. The concept of ‘durable medium’ originally stems from European consumer law[1]. However, various definitions as well as different use cases, often in combination with a link to paper,  could be found […]

Geo-Blocking Regulation – Applicable as from 3 December 2018

It happens that traders, operating in one EU Member State, block or limit access to their websites and applications by customers from other member states who would like to engage in cross-border transactions (a practice called ‘geo-blocking’). This, together with the practice of traders applying different general conditions of access to their goods and services […]