La fin du courrier sous film plastique ? Pas si vite…

Il y a quelques mois, nous vous annoncions que le Gouvernement wallon avait adopté, le 28 février 2019, un arrêté visant à diminuer certains déchets et favoriser la propreté publique (Voir notre news de juin 2019). Pour rappel, cet arrêté considère que « la mise sous film plastique des publications gratuites n’est pas indispensable à leur […]

Simont Braun assists TransferWise with their arrival in Belgium

Simont Braun successfully assisted TransferWise, the global technology company that moves money internationally, in obtaining a licence as a payment institution in Belgium. TransferWise officially launched its Brussels operations in October 2019. TransferWise is an international money platform. The company decided to establish as a payment institution in Belgium to continue serving their European customers […]

Europe pushes companies one step further towards sustainable investments


The European Commission has underlined the importance for companies to publish sufficient, reliable and comparable sustainability-related information to effectively direct capital towards sustainable investments. Although disclosure of climate-related information by reporting companies has improved, the Commission finds that there are still significant gaps and that further improvement in the quantity, quality and comparability of disclosures […]

Simont Braun successfully assists Bank Degroof Petercam in a wealth management dispute

Béatrice Thieffry, Sandrine Hirsch and Rafaël Jafferali were mentioned in L’Echo for successfully assisting Bank Degroof Petercam before the Brussels Court of Appeal in a wealth management dispute. The full article is available here. Source: L’Echo – Nicolas Keszei – 10 October 2019 This article has been reproduced with the consent of the editor, all […]

Élections sociales 2020 : 10 rappels-clés

Les prochaines élections sociales auront lieu entre le 11 et le 24 mai 2020 (jour Y). Toutefois, la procédure électorale – qui dure plus de 150 jours – commencera dès le mois de décembre 2019. Vous trouverez ci-après quelques rappels pour vous aider dès les étapes préalables à l’organisation des élections proprement dites qui, rappelons-le, […]

When should a pharmaceutical company apply for a trademark for its medicinal products?

The pharmaceutical market presents unique challenges to pharmaceutical companies seeking to launch new medicinal products. Before they can introduce a new medicinal product on the market, they must go through a lengthy process of executing clinical trials as a prerequisite for obtaining a market authorisation. A crucial question in this context is whether they could […]

UBO Register – Updated guidelines published on 19 July 2019

On 19 July 2019, the Federal Public Service of Finance published a new version of its FAQ on the register of Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO Register). The previous update was made on 2 April 2019. In addition to answering some technical issues, the newly updated FAQ mainly provides clarification for listed companies, associations and foundations, […]

Simont Braun assists Test Achats in its class action against Ryanair

Simont Braun is representing Test Achats which seeks to receive compensation for passengers who were victims of repeated strikes by the Ryanair staff in summer 2018. The total compensation is estimated at € 16 million. Simont Braun filed the collective action this morning with the French-speaking Business Court of Brussels (see the press coverage by […]

La fin du courrier sous film plastique ?

Le 28 février 2019, un arrêté du Gouvernement wallon favorisant la prévention de certains déchets et la propreté publique a été adopté. Il interdit les envois postaux sous film plastique, tout en prenant en compte la nécessité de laisser un temps d’adaptation aux acteurs. Il considère ainsi que « la mise sous film plastique des publications […]

Our Digital Finance Team interviewed on the latest FinTech Trends

Catherine Houssa, Partner in our Digital Finance Team, was interviewed on the latest FinTech trends by La Libre Belgique in a special edition dedicated to the take-off of tech in Brussels. An opportunity to also highlight the advantages of Brussels as a set-up point for FinTechs willing to reach all of Europe. The full article […]