Simont Braun « Highly recommended » in Banking & Finance and Capital Markets

Leaders' League - Leading law firm corporate, M&A, private equipy, Real estate, Banking & Finance, Capital Markets

Leaders League is a legal guide with an international reach that ranks the best law firms by country and by area of practice. The second part of the 2021 rankings has just come out, and we are happy to be Highly Recommended in the following categories: Banking & Finance (transactions and dispute resolution) Capital Markets Thank […]

Brexit deal & data transfers: a temporary relief

Brexit deal - data transfer from the EU to the UK

Amongst the (many) uncertainties linked to Brexit, its potential restrictive impact on data transfers between the European Economic Area (EEA) and the UK was an important one for all businesses with cross-border activities. The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (the Brexit deal) adopted last December has brought a temporary answer to it. It allows EEA […]

Simont Braun authors ICLG Belgian Chapter on Designs

Design law Belgium Benelux

What are the key principles of Benelux Design law? Fernand de Visscher and Julie Kever authored the Belgian chapter on Designs in the International Comparative Legal Guide 2021 (ICLG): a pragmatic and comprehensive overview for all IP practitioners. The guide is available here. Should you have any question, please contact Fernand de Visscher: +32 […]

Amendments to Belgian corporate law to facilitate remote shareholders’ meetings

remote shareholders meetings - loi 20 décembre 2020 - belgium

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the provisions of the Companies and Associations Code (the “CAC”) on the functioning of corporate bodies have proved to be too restrictive, particularly with regard to the remote organisation of shareholders’ meetings for listed companies or companies having many shareholders. Facilitating remote shareholders’ meetings Following the Royal Decree […]

Our Corporate and Real Estate teams recognised in Leaders League

Leaders' League - Leading law firm corporate, M&A, private equipy, Real estate, Banking & Finance, Capital Markets

Leaders League is a legal guide with an international reach that ranks the best law firms by country and by area of practice. The first part of the 2021 rankings has just come out, and we are happy to be featured in the following categories: Mergers & Acquisitions: Highly recommended Real Estate: Highly recommended Private […]

Flash News | New moratorium for enterprises in difficulty

moratoire entreprises en difficulté - covid 19 Belgique

Belgium has recently adopted extra measures to combat the negative economic impact of Covid-19. The Law of 20 December 2020, which entered into force on 24 December 2020, provides for a second moratorium for companies in difficulty up until 31 January 2021 (included). The scope of application of these measures is, however, more restrictive than […]

Renaud van Melsen interviewed in Le Soir Immo

A good read to start the year? We are happy to share Renaud van Melsen’s interview in Le Soir Immo. What is our role as lawyers in real estate and public law? What are today’s major questions in town planning and environmental law? To read the article « Les avocats ne sont pas des penseurs en […]

Highlights 2020 and upcoming events in 2021

legal highlights 2020 - events 2021 - Belgium law firm Simont Braun

What happened in 2020, and what is to expect in 2021? Every day in December, Simont Braun shared legal highlights of 2020 and upcoming events for 2021 in its End-of-Year Countdown. Here is a recap of each highlight by area of practice: 1. Corporate law 2. Intellectual property 3. Digital finance & Financial services 3. […]

(R)évolution du droit des biens : 10 points clés pour le droit immobilier

La loi du 4 février 2020 a réformé et modernisé en profondeur le droit des biens. Cette loi introduit un nouveau Livre 3 dans le nouveau Code civil.  La réforme entre en vigueur le 1er septembre 2021. Les dispositions du livre 3 sont supplétives sauf les définitions et les dispositions qualifiées d’impératives. Voici dix points […]

Special Season’s Greetings from Simont Braun!

From all of us at Simont Braun, discover our Special Wishes for you in 2021! We warmly thank our clients for their continuous trust and our teams for their hard work and motivation throughout the year. Since 2017, our season’s greetings are digital. This year again, we have offered the amount previously dedicated to paper cards to […]

Le renforcement de la coopération publique

La coopération non institutionnalisée permet à des pouvoirs adjudicateurs de recourir librement à des mécanismes de mutualisation d’une ou plusieurs de leurs missions sans devoir recourir à une procédure de marché public. En 2020, la CJUE a précisé l’une des principales conditions permettant de mobiliser cette exception du droit des marchés publics. Un marché conclu […]