Simont Braun recognised again for its patent expertise by iAM 1000

Our IP team has again been highly recognised in Silver Band for its expertise in patents by iAM Patent. The department is ranked in Silver with the following mention: « Complex global patent litigation is meat and drink to the lawyers at Simont Braun, who conjure up ingenious solutions to contentious challenges in the life sciences, […]

Suspension des délais de préavis pour les jours de chômage temporaire Corona

La loi du 15 juin 2020 visant à suspendre les délais de préavis durant les jours de chômage temporaire pour cause de force majeure en raison de la crise du COVID-19 est entrée en vigueur ce jour. La loi s’applique à tous les licenciements avec préavis à prester dont le délai de préavis a commencé […]

Manuela von Kuegelgen interviewed in Le Soir Immo

Manuela von Kuegelgen, partner in Real Estate, Public & Administrative Law, got featured in Le Soir Immo (Thursday 11 June), providing insight on practical questions raised by the recent CoBAT reform. The full interview is available here.

Should health and life insurers use the data collected by health-related apps?

With the generalisation of health-related apps, health and life insurers are keen to use the collected data to improve the accuracy of their insureds’ profiles. This trend raises important questions in terms of privacy but also in terms of risks mutualisation in society. A bit of context With the increase of technology and the ability […]

Feu vert pour le congé parental « Corona » jusqu’au 30 juin 2020

Afin de faciliter la situation des travailleurs devant assurer la garde de leurs enfants dans l’attente de la réouverture des écoles suite aux mesures de confinement, le gouvernement a prévu la possibilité de prendre un congé parental Corona (Arrêté royal du 13 mai 2020). Les grandes lignes de ce congé parental sont les suivantes : Les […]

Simont Braun unveils new logo and designs

As we are now (more or less) allowed to go out again… Simont Braun is happy to also release its new logo!   Simont Braun’s new logo is designed to be a reflection of the firm’s evolution while preserving our fundamentals. “We wanted to keep the green, Simont Braun’s historic colour, as it represents balance […]

Simont Braun has moved to Avenue Louise 250

It’s official! We have moved to our brand new office in The Hype – Avenue Louise 250 (10th floor). We are very excited to start this new chapter and look forward to welcoming you there!   PS: the view is still amazing! Stay tuned: more updates are coming…


Simont Braun is moving to its brand new office located Louise Avenue 250 on 13 May 2020! We are very excited about this new chapter and can’t wait to welcome you there. Stay tuned for more updates…

LegalTech at Simont Braun – Adoption of machine learning platform Luminance

Leading Belgian law firm Simont Braun takes a step forward into LegalTech with Luminance. This ground-breaking AI application enables legal counsels to review large volumes of documentation with an instant insight into their content, improving and accelerating processes such as due diligence and regulatory compliance reviews. Simont Braun decided to engage Luminance after a successful […]

IP & Covid-19: A 2-minute overview of the IP measures in Belgium by Emmanuel Cornu

The current context of the Covid-19 outbreak has many consequences for the world of intellectual property: the deadlines of the courts and offices have been extended, the authorities have reorganised their control activities, etc. As governmental measures differ from country to country, the UNIFAB invited Emmanuel Cornu to present a summary of the situation in […]