Autonomous Vehicles in Belgium. Is our legal system ready?

We have been hearing about autonomous vehicles (“AVs”) for quite a while. However, as time goes by, the use of AVs is getting closer to becoming a reality. In various countries, car manufacturers are now carrying out tests on open or closed parts of public roads. Just like engineers are facing technical challenges in this […]

Simont Braun authors ICLG Belgian Chapter on Trademarks

Emmanuel Cornu, Eric De Gryse, Romain Meys and Julie Kever authored the Belgian chapter on Trademarks in the International Comparative Legal Guides 2020, providing a high-level and easy-to-read overview of the key issues and legal principles applicable to this field. The Belgian chapter is available here. For any question in this area, do not hesitate to […]

Covid-19 | Exceptional measures for listed companies

remote shareholders meetings belgium

As you know, exceptional measures are now facilitating the functioning of corporate bodies in Belgium (see our previous news here). But what about listed companies? The FSMA has published a Q&A focusing on their specific obligations. The Q&A is available in French here and in Dutch here. For any question, do not hesitate to contact our […]

Simont Braun achieves excellent results in The Legal 500 ed. 2020

This year again, Simont Braun has been highly recognised in The Legal 500, a reference guide ranking leading law firms around the world. FinTech  |  Tier 1 “Simont Braun is THE specialist firm in fintech in Belgium” Intellectual Property  |  Tier 2 Real Estate  |  Tier 2 Corporate, M&A  |  Tier 3 Dispute Resolution  |  […]

Covid-19: Duties and liabilities of directors in times of crisis

moratoire entreprises en difficulté - covid 19 Belgique

The health crisis we are experiencing and the restrictive measures adopted to limit its spread are and will be deeply affecting businesses. With all the economic and human consequences that this entails, this ordeal could be fatal for many of them. What are the decisive role and obligations that directors must now adopt to overcome […]

Simont Braun authors ICLG Belgian Chapter on the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments

Rafaël Jafferali and Fanny Laune authored the Belgian chapter on the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in the International Comparative Legal Guide 2020, offering thought and pragmatic insight on the key questions that arise in this complex area. The Belgian chapter is available here. For any question in this area, do not hesitate to contact the […]

Mesures fiscales de soutien aux entreprises dans le cadre de la crise Coronavirus Covid-19

L’administration fiscale fédérale a annoncé, par une communication officielle du 6 mars et une circulaire du 23 mars 2020, plusieurs mesures d’aides aux entreprises rencontrant des difficultés en raison de l’épidémie de Coronavirus. En voici une synthèse. Qui peut en bénéficier ?    Toutes les personnes physiques ou morales disposant d’un numéro d’entreprise BCE, peu […]

Covid-19 & Banks: Emergency Response and Sound Management

The health crisis caused by Covid-19 and the economic and social consequences it has for banks oblige these financial institutions to inform their regulator of the specific measures, both internal and external, that they implement to address the situation. Business Continuity – Regulatory Context Given their essential role in the economic and financial system, banks […]

Coronavirus sur le lieu de travail et chômage temporaire – Mise à jour

Dans notre précédente news, nous avons fait le point sur les solutions à mettre en place au sein de votre entreprise pour faire face à l’épidémie de Coronavirus, notamment la possibilité de mettre les travailleurs en chômage temporaire pour force majeure ou pour raisons économiques. Ces mesures ont depuis lors fait l’objet de procédures de […]

Simont Braun sets up COVID-19 legal task force

The coronavirus crisis has turned businesses upside down, raising many legal questions in various sectors of activity. In order to provide efficient and adequate legal advice in these uncertain times, Simont Braun has set up a special task force dedicated to guiding you and your business in all your COVID-19 related questions. Do not hesitate […]

(R)évolution en droit des biens?

Ce mardi 17 mars, la loi insérant un nouveau livre 3 « les biens » dans le Code civil a été publiée au Moniteur belge. La réforme maintient l’essentiel du régime applicable tout en le restructurant et en y insérant plusieurs lois spéciales telles que celles sur le droit de superficie et le droit d’emphytéose. […]

Simont Braun takes measures to remain fully operational during the COVID-19 crisis

Due to the new health measures applicable in Belgium regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, we would like to inform you about the measures Simont Braun has taken to remain fully operational during the COVID-19 crisis. At Simont Braun, the health of our people, clients and their families is a priority. This means that we have taken […]