New Deal Assistance – Private Equity | Emmers Equestrian

Simont Braun has assisted Dirk and Christiane Schreurs-Emmers, founders of Emmers Equestrian, with the sale of a minority stake to Akiles. Simont Braun’s deal team, led by corporate M&A partner Tom Swinnen and associate Julie Braeckman, is thrilled to have contributed to this significant milestone for Emmers Equestrian. Emmers Equestrian is a Belgian top-tier retailer […]

The Mc Donald’s Case | Even major brands must prove trade mark use

McDonald’s loses its EU trade mark ‘Big Mac’ for chicken products – an important reminder for owners of (famous) brands McDonald’s has lost its EU trade mark ‘Big Mac’ for chicken sandwiches and poultry products in classes 29 and 30 and related restaurant services in class 42 after five years of non-use, following a judgment […]

Large-Scale Online Copyright Infringement | New Judicial Procedure

On 6 May 2024, the Royal Decree of 18 April 2024 concerning the establishment of the service for the fight against copyright and related rights infringements on the Internet and the illegal operation of online gambling games was published in the Belgian Official Gazette. This Royal Decree provides for the entry into force of a […]

Prop trading | Just playing with data or actual investment services?

Over the past decade, online trading has become increasingly accessible for regular consumers. The European market is now full of platforms offering a wide array of products and investment options. While these platforms initially positioned themselves as gateways between clients (consumers) and the traditional financial markets, new technologies have paved the road for different (innovative) […]

Simont Braun ranked in The Legal 500 EMEA 2024

Last Wednesday, Legal 500 unveiled its 2024 rankings, highlighting our firm’s ongoing excellence. Our teams not only maintained but also enhanced their recognitions, garnering additional praise in two new categories. We warmly thank all team members for their motivation and hard work. We are also grateful to our peers and valued clients for their trust […]

Compton Cases | Geographical Names as Fashion Trademarks

In two judgements of 28 February 2024 in related cases T-746/22 and T-747/22, the General Court of the EU (GCEU) upheld the validity of two EU trademark registrations containing the geographical name ‘Compton’, which it considers distinctive and not descriptive for fashion items like clothing and bags. These judgments provide a good opportunity to refresh […]

INSURANCE LAW | New Rules on Time Limits and Penalties

On 14 March 2024, the Belgian Federal Parliament adopted a draft law setting up new rules on time limits and penalties for the payment of insurance covers and benefits (the “Law”). The Law will enter into force on the first day of the 6th month following its publication in the Official Gazette – which should […]

RGPD et Amendes Administratives | Importantes précisions apportées par la CJEU

Le 5 décembre 2023, la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne a rendu deux arrêts importants1 précisant les conditions pour imposer une amende administrative à un responsable de traitement en raison d’une violation du Règlement général sur la protection des données (règlement 2016/679 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 27 avril 2016 relatif à […]

Video Games Series | The Use of Personal Data in the Industry

The video game industry’s increasing reliance on personal data presents a complex legal landscape that game developers must carefully navigate. As the gaming landscape evolves, the role of personal data becomes more pronounced. This article delves into two key aspects: the utilisation of personal data in game analytics and the recurrent theme of data breaches […]

RGPD et Droit à la Réparation | Importantes précisions apportées par la CJUE

En décembre 2023 et janvier 2024, la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne a rendu plusieurs arrêts1 qui apportent d’importantes précisions en ce qui concerne le droit à réparation pour le dommage moral subi en raison d’une violation du RGPD, droit consacré à l’article 82 du Règlement général sur la protection des données (règlement 2016/679 […]

Video Games Series | Legal Implications Surrounding AI Use

In this second episode, we will focus on two significant uses of artificial intelligence (AI) in video games: driving non-player characters (NPCs) and adapting game worlds. We will examine the legal issues associated with these uses, including copyright infringement, ownership of AI-generated content, image rights, and patentability of AI inventions. We will also briefly touch […]