Protect your Trade Secrets – Criminal Law Protection & Tax Issues

In the latest episode of our Trade Secrets Series we discussed the measures aimed at maintaining the confidentiality of trade secrets during legal proceedings. In this sixth and final episode we elaborate on the criminal law protection of trade secrets and tax issues related to trade secrets. Criminal law protection of trade secrets Article 309 […]

Protect your Trade Secrets – Maintaining confidentiality during legal proceedings

In the latest episode of our Trade Secrets Series we focused on the position of trade secrets in the employer-employee relationship. In this fifth episode we will discuss the measures aimed at maintaining the confidentiality of trade secrets during legal proceedings. The Trade Secrets Act introduced a new Article 871bis in the Judicial Code, which […]

Protect your Trade Secrets – Employer-employee relationship

In the first three episodes of our Trade Secrets Series we gave an introduction to the legal framework governing trade secrets in Belgium and explained in more detail the acts against which a trade secret holder can take action and what measures and remedies he can obtain. In this fourth episode we will focus on […]

Protect your Trade Secrets – Procedures, Measures and Remedies

In the first two episodes of our Trade Secrets Series we gave an introduction to the legal framework governing trade secrets in Belgium and explained in more detail the acts against which a trade secret holder can and cannot take action. In this third episode we will analyse the procedures, measures and remedies that can […]

Protect your Trade Secrets – Infringing acts, exempt acts, and exceptions

In the first episode of our Trade Secrets Series we gave an introduction to the legal framework governing trade secrets in Belgium. In this second episode we will explain in more detail the acts against which a trade secret holder can and cannot take action. The acts against which no action can be taken: the […]