Finally: publication of the Belgian Crowdfunding Law

The new Belgian law on crowdfunding platforms of 18 December has been published in the Belgian Official Journal. Key features include: Alternative Finance Service: The introduction of a new type of financial service in the Belgian regulatory landscape. The service consists of commercializing, through an internet platform, investment instruments issued by entrepreneurs looking to attract […]

Le droit bancaire et le défi de la finance numérique

The contribution of Catherine Houssa, Partner and member of Simont Braun’s Digital Finance Team, on European Banking law and the challenges presented by the digitalisation of the finance industry, has been published in the Liber Amicorum of professor Blanche Sousi. The full text is available (in French only) here.

The payment of royalties in case of annulment or non-infringement of the patent

In the court decision of 7 July 2016 (C-567/14, Genentech) the Court of Justice of the European Union reaffirmed the solution as presented by the Court in its decision of 12 May 1989 (C-567/14, Ottung): the prohibition on anti-competitive agreements (article 101, §1 TFEU) does not affect the contractual obligation of a fee for the […]

The new size criteria applicable to companies

The Belgian law of 18 December 2015 and the Royal Decree of 18 December 2015  implement Directive 2013/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 26 June 2013 on the annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain types of undertakings, amending Directive 2006/43/EC of the European Parliament and of […]

MAR Regulation

ENTRY INTO FORCE, ON 3 JULY 2016, OF THE NEW ADMINISTRATIVE REGIME ON MARKET ABUSE MAR REGULATION In June 2014, Regulation 596/2014 on market abuse (the so-called MAR Regulation, hereinafter the “Regulation”) and Directive 2014/57/EU on criminal sanctions for market abuse (hereinafter the “Directive”) were published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The Regulation […]