Simont Braun assists Eurofins with the acquisition of Ecca

Simont Braun successfully assisted Eurofins, a world leader in laboratory testing services, with its acquisition of the large Belgian-based laboratory Ecca. Eurofins is a multinational world leader in laboratory testing services in the food, environment, pharma products & agroscience CRO sectors. ECCA is one of the largest Belgian-based laboratories in the country, active in laboratory […]

Video Games Series | Skin Betting

The practice of gambling is an age-old phenomenon, with there being no shortage of various rules and stakes that are thrown into the balance. One of the latest examples is using items in video games known as ‘skins’ to bet on the outcome of gaming competitions. Despite originating from within the video games sphere, the […]

Update van de Kaaimantaks !

In zijn recente artikel1 gepubliceerd in Fiscale Actualiteit, verkent Jacques Malherbe de versie 2.1 van de Kaaimantaks, na een belangrijke wetswijziging die op 1 januari 2024 van kracht werd. Lees het artikel hier 1. Uitreksel uit Fiscale Actualiteit (Wolters Kluwer), 2023, nr. 41, p. 8 Hebt u vragen ? Neem gerust contact op met Jacques […]

INSOLVENCY Series | Episode 5: Cross-border Insolvency and International Aspects

In today’s globalised economy, businesses commonly operate in multiple States and engage with international creditors. Consequently, financial difficulties faced by a business often transcend national borders. Hence, insolvency proceedings opened in a State will frequently have cross-border implications. Several questions arise when a debtor’s insolvency has or may have cross-border implications, namely: Jurisdiction: which courts […]

Gaming & Law Series | Season 1 – Wrap Up

Level up your legal game Last year, our Video Game series explored the complex legal landscape covering everything from trademarks and adaptation rights to consumer protection. But hold onto your controllers, because Season 2 is about to drop. Our upcoming episodes are plunging even deeper into the gaming universe, tackling topics like skin betting, the […]

Proposed reforms for Belgian listed companies regarding the shareholders’ right to oppose the transfer of their company’s key assets and governance

In a significant development that promises to reshape the corporate governance landscape in Belgium, the government has unveiled a draft bill introducing three pivotal proposals. These proposals, emanating from recommendations by the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA), aim to fortify governance practices within listed companies. The draft bill has been submitted to the Belgian […]

Pick your cherry chocolate lookalike packaging (GCEU, 29 November 2023, T‑29/23)

In case T‑29/23 (Vobro/Mieszko), the General Court of the EU (GCEU) was asked to rule on the likelihood of confusion (LoC) of two complex signs containing word elements and the image of a cherry dipped in chocolate in relation to class 30 goods (confectionery and sweets). Summary of the decision After the EUIPO Opposition Division […]

Protect your Trade Secrets – Criminal Law Protection & Tax Issues

In the latest episode of our Trade Secrets Series we discussed the measures aimed at maintaining the confidentiality of trade secrets during legal proceedings. In this sixth and final episode we elaborate on the criminal law protection of trade secrets and tax issues related to trade secrets. Criminal law protection of trade secrets Article 309 […]

Protect your Trade Secrets – Maintaining confidentiality during legal proceedings

In the latest episode of our Trade Secrets Series we focused on the position of trade secrets in the employer-employee relationship. In this fifth episode we will discuss the measures aimed at maintaining the confidentiality of trade secrets during legal proceedings. The Trade Secrets Act introduced a new Article 871bis in the Judicial Code, which […]

INSOLVENCY Series | Episode 4: Liquidation Proceedings

Preserving undertaking’s business continuity is one of the main purposes of the Belgian insolvency law. However, in some cases, the undertaking’s situation is so serious that there is no better option than its liquidation. Liquidation proceedings aim to winding up the debtor’s estate and distributing the proceeds among its creditors to pay off its debts. […]

Protect your Geographical Indications | New EU Regulation for Craft and Industrial Products

On 27 October 2023 the Regulation (EU) 2023/2411 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 October 2023 on the protection of geographical indications for craft and industrial products and amending Regulations (EU) 2017/1001 and (EU) 2019/1753 (“Regulation”) was published. This Regulation introduces a new EU intellectual property right, extending the protection for […]

Bescherm uw Privacy Online | Juridische Optimalisatie

Bescherm uw Privacy Online | JURIDISCHE OPTIMALISATIE TEGEN ONGEWENSTE VERSPREIDING VAN SEKSUELE INHOUD Op 9 augustus 2023 werd in het Belgisch Staatsblad de wet van 31 juli 2023 om justitie menselijker, sneller en straffer te maken IV, gepubliceerd. In het kader van deze ingrijpende hervorming van justitie heeft de wetgever beslist de paragrafen 5 en […]