Bescherm uw Privacy Online | Juridische Optimalisatie

Bescherm uw Privacy Online | JURIDISCHE OPTIMALISATIE TEGEN ONGEWENSTE VERSPREIDING VAN SEKSUELE INHOUD Op 9 augustus 2023 werd in het Belgisch Staatsblad de wet van 31 juli 2023 om justitie menselijker, sneller en straffer te maken IV, gepubliceerd. In het kader van deze ingrijpende hervorming van justitie heeft de wetgever beslist de paragrafen 5 en […]

INSOLVENCY Series | Episode 3: Public and private reorganisation procedures

An undertaking in financial distress can consider judicial reorganisation as a means of restoring its financial stability. The judicial reorganisation procedure (“JRP”) is the Belgian pre-insolvency procedure, whose purpose is indeed to safeguard the continuity of the undertaking facing financial difficulties. Belgian law provides for two JRPs: JRP by mutual agreement, which aims to reach […]

Protect your Trade Secrets – Employer-employee relationship

In the first three episodes of our Trade Secrets Series we gave an introduction to the legal framework governing trade secrets in Belgium and explained in more detail the acts against which a trade secret holder can take action and what measures and remedies he can obtain. In this fourth episode we will focus on […]

Specialisatieovereenkomsten | Enkele versoepelingen en een overgangsperiode

Sinds 1 juli 2023 is er een nieuwe verordening van kracht betreffende de groepsvrijstelling voor specialisatieovereenkomsten (Verordening 2023/1067 van de Commissie van 1 juni 2023 betreffende de toepassing van artikel 101, lid 3, van het Verdrag betreffende de werking van de Europese Unie [VWEU] op bepaalde groepen specialisatieovereenkomsten, Pb. L., 2 juni 2023, nr. L […]

A Tribute to Lucien Simont

In memoriam of Lucien Simont, a founding partner of our firm, we reflect on the profound impact he had on the legal community, his pioneering spirit, and the indelible mark he left on the practice of law. Mr. Simont, who played a pivotal role in the establishment of Simont Braun and passed away on October […]

INSOLVENCY Series | Episode 2: Identifying risks and preventive tools

IDENTIFYING RISKS OF INSOLVENCY AND PREVENTIVE TOOLS TO AVOID INSOLVENCY Insolvency proceedings, and in particular liquidation proceedings, should remain a last resort. Accordingly, the Belgian Code of Economic Law (“CEL”) contains several preventive mechanisms designed (1) to detect the risk of insolvency in due course, and (2) to take preventive measures to redress undertakings’ financial […]

Protect your Trade Secrets – Procedures, Measures and Remedies

In the first two episodes of our Trade Secrets Series we gave an introduction to the legal framework governing trade secrets in Belgium and explained in more detail the acts against which a trade secret holder can and cannot take action. In this third episode we will analyse the procedures, measures and remedies that can […]


INSURANCE LAW – UPDATED RULES ON CONTRACT RENEWAL AND TERMINATION AHEAD On 5 October 2023, the Belgian Federal Parliament passed a draft law adapting the rules on (almost all) non-life insurance policies’ renewal and termination (the “Law”). This Law will come into force on the first day of the 12th month following its publication in […]

Simont Braun assists ROCKWOOL Group with divestment of ETABLISSEMENTS CHARLES WILLE et CIE

Simont Braun assists ROCKWOOL Group with divestment of Belgium-based distribution company ETABLISSEMENTS CHARLES WILLE et CIE Simont Braun successfully assisted ROCKWOOL, a world leader in isolation materials, with the divestment of its Belgium-based distribution company ETABLISSEMENTS CHARLES WILLE et CIE (Charles Wille). ROCKWOOL, a multinational world-leading producer of isolation materials, decided to divest Charles Wille […]

INSOLVENCY Series | Episode 1: Introduction

WHAT’S INSOLVENCY? The term “insolvency” is widely used, especially in these troubled economic times, but what does it mean exactly? Insolvency is a state of financial distress where an entity’s liabilities exceed its assets, making it difficult or impossible to meet its financial commitments. In the last few months, Belgian insolvency law has come to […]

Protect your Trade Secrets – Infringing acts, exempt acts, and exceptions

In the first episode of our Trade Secrets Series we gave an introduction to the legal framework governing trade secrets in Belgium. In this second episode we will explain in more detail the acts against which a trade secret holder can and cannot take action. The acts against which no action can be taken: the […]