Two Partners appointed in the Industrial property Section of the Council for Intellectual Property

The FPS Economy has just appointed, for their legal expertise, Fernand de Visscher as President and Emmanuel Cornu as a member of the Industrial Property section of the Council for Intellectual Property. The Council for Intellectual Property is an advisory body made up of experts and representatives of various sectors concerned with the intellectual property. Its main mission is […]

UBO Register – Sandrine Hirsch speaks at ABF seminar

On Tuesday 23 October, Sandrine Hirsch, Partner in our Corporate M&A department, gave a lecture on the obligations related to the new UBO Register at a workshop organised by the association “Avocats en droit boursier et financier/Advocaten in het beurs- en financieel recht”, in the presence of Mrs Annika Agemans from the SPF Finances/FOD Financiën. Sandrine’s […]

A step forward for the draft new Companies and Associations Code

On 25 May 2018, the Council of Ministers approved the draft new Companies and Associations Code which aims at modernising the regime applicable to companies and associations. The draft Code will now be submitted to the Federal Parliament for discussion and vote. We expect parliamentary approval in the autumn of this year. One of the […]

Seminar on the upcoming reform of the Belgian Law of Obligations

Last week, Simont Braun was delighted to see such an interest in the upcoming reform of the Belgian law of obligations, which is currently being analysed by the Council of State. On 22 and 24 May, we hosted two seminars on this subject, where Rafaël Jafferali, who is a member of the expert group in […]

Discover our Digital Finance Team – Finalist of ‘Prix de l’Innovation’

Discover – or rediscover – our Digital Finance team in this short video that we presented as a finalist of “Prix de l’Innovation” organised by Incubateur We warmly thank our client Xavier Lahoureux (mozzeno) for his contribution! For more information, visit our webpage dedicated to the Digital Finance team  

Paul Alain Foriers participates in the reform of the Belgian Companies Code

A new Belgian Companies’ Code is under preparation. It aims at modernising the regime applicable to companies and associations. One of the four legal scholars chosen as experts by the Minister of Justice Koen Geens to work on this project is Paul Alain Foriers. Hence, Simont Braun is well aware of what is to expect […]

Simont Braun’s main practices highly recommended by Legal 500

Simont Braun has again achieved great results in the last edition of Legal 500, which recognizes and ranks the best law firms in more than 100 jurisdictions. We are also delighted to see more than 10 partners recommended: –          Intellectual Property: Tier 2 – Fernand de Visscher –          Dispute Resolution: Tier 2 – Sandrine Hirsch, […]

Simont Braun achieves superior results in Chambers Global and Europe 2017

Simont Braun has again received very good results in Chambers 2017 both Europe and Global, improving all its rankings in the Global edition, with its main practice areas being recommended and no less than 8 lawyers being praised for their work. Our Intellectual Property department, “noted for its depth of expertise”, continues to occupy a very […]

Rafaël Jafferali as an arbitrator at Brussels Pre-Moot

Rafaël Jafferali will sit as an arbitrator at the 4th Brussels Pre-Moot competition, which will be held on 3rd and 4th April 2017. The Brussels Pre-Moot, organized by CEPANI, is a pre-competition for the renowned Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot on International Sales Law and International Arbitration. The Pre-Moot will help the participants from all over the […]

Simont Braun’s Digital Finance Team assists mozzeno with the launch of its innovative platform

Brussels, March 2017 Simont Braun assisted the Brussels-based FinTech mozzeno on the launch of the first Belgian digital platform enabling individuals to participate indirectly in the funding of other individuals’ consumer loans. The loans are financed through securitization, by issuing notes to which the investors subscribe. In such a highly regulated sector, our team prepared […]

Jacques Malherbe joins Simont Braun’s Tax department

SIMONT BRAUN is pleased to announce that Jacques Malherbe has joined its tax department as Of Counsel on the 1st of January 2017 where he will be working next to Lievin De Wulf (Partner) and Martina Bertha (Of Counsel). Jacques Malherbe has a well-known reputation in the field of tax law that he taught at […]