One year of FDI screening | Key figures and main takeaways
On 1 July 2023, the Belgian Foreign Direct Investment (“FDI”) screening mechanism entered into force. One year later, the Federal Public Service of Economy (“Federale Overheidsdienst Economie” / “Service Public Fédéral Economie”) published its first annual report on the screening mechanism (“Report”). I. Key figures A. Notifications The Interfederal Screening Commission (“Interfederale Screeningscommissie” / “Comité […]
The new EU Design package | Repair clause soon EU-wide
On 10 October 2024, the Council of the European Union adopted the two proposals to revise both the Design Directive (Dir. 98/71/EC) and the Community Design Regulation (Council Regulation (EC) No 6/2002. This new “Design package” mainly aims to align the design protection system in the EU with the digital age and to create a […]
AI Act | Pioneering AI Regulation in Europe
On 12 July 2024, Regulation (EU) 2024/1689 laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (the “AI Act”) was published in the EU Official Journal. As part of a wider package of EU policy measures, the AI Act forms the first comprehensive legal framework to regulate the use of artificial intelligence (AI) across Europe. Its purpose […]
CJEU clarifies “First” Marketing Authorization in SPC Applications
A Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC) is an intellectual property right that serves as an extension to a patent right. It extends patent protection for medicinal products which must undergo testing and clinical trials before being authorised to be placed on the EU market. SPCs can last for up to five years, depending on the time […]
Touristic Accommodations in Belgium | What Professional should know
Navigating Belgium’s short-term rental landscape can be tricky. As regulations tighten, understanding your responsibilities as a host – whether professional or non-professional- is crucial. Tourist accommodation regulations define this term very broadly. This broad definition includes properties listed on platforms like Airbnb, making it essential for hosts to understand their obligations. Let’s explore the latest […]
New Disclosure Requirements for Commercial Cooperation Agreements in Belgium
New pre-contractual disclosure requirements apply before entering into franchise agreements and other commercial cooperation agreements in Belgium. Under Belgian Law, pre-contractual disclosure requirements apply to any agreement granting a right to use a commercial formula – whether it involves a common trade sign, a trade name, a transfer of know-how, or the provision of commercial […]
Belgian Central Register of Director Bans | Short update
JustBan, the Central Register of Director Bans, now also includes civil director bans. We previously reported on the launch of the Belgian Central Register of Director Bans (‘JustBan’). In the first implementation phase, only criminal director bans were included in the register. In the second phase, scheduled for implementation in 2024, civil director bans were […]
Updated Thresholds for qualification as Small or Micro-Undertaking
Small and micro-undertakings benefit from several exemptions. To be classified as a small or micro-undertaking, a company may not exceed certain thresholds. The law of 28 March 2024 has amended the applicable thresholds in the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations (“BCCA”). Additionally, the law of 15 May 2024 provides for a clarification of the […]
ArtificiaI Intelligence in Belgium | Legal State of Play in 2024
As AI continues to redefine industries and reshape the future, our team remains at the forefront, deeply committed to tracking every legal and regulatory shift in this ever-evolving landscape. Exclusively for the Legal 500 we’ve updated the Belgian chapter of the Artificial Intelligence Comparative Guide. Download PDF here Should you have any questions, do not […]
L’introduction d’un pourvoi en cassation complémentaire pour violation d’une disposition légale rétroactive
La loi du 19 décembre 2023 portant dispositions diverses en matière civile et judiciaire a introduit un nouvel article 1094/2 dans le Code judiciaire (M.B., 27 décembre 2023). Cette disposition, entrée en vigueur le 6 janvier 2024, apporte une nouveauté intéressante à la procédure applicable devant la Cour de cassation. En effet, cette disposition permet […]
Central Register of Director Bans
With the law of 4 May 2023, which entered into force on 1 August 2023 (the “Law”), the Belgian legislator provided a legal framework for the creation of a central register of director bans (“Centraal Register van Bestuursverboden” / “Registre central des interdictions de gérer”). The Law transposes Directive (EU) 2019/1151 amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132 […]
L’instauration des chambres de règlement amiable dans les juridictions civiles et commerciales
Le coût d’une procédure et l’arriéré judiciaire particulièrement important devant de nombreuses juridictions en Belgique, ont amené le législateur, depuis plusieurs années, à encourager et favoriser le recours aux modes alternatifs de règlement des litiges. Ainsi, la loi du 18 juin 2018 a notamment autorisé le juge à imposer une médiation aux parties (sauf si […]