The FSMA’s Q&A on how to obtain a registration as an insurance intermediary in Belgium

The FSMA recently released a short Q&A summarising the key steps and requirements of the process for a registration application as an insurance intermediary in Belgium[1]. This document, drafted in English, is intended to attract and inform potential newcomers, be them established insurance professionals fleeing the potential consequences of Brexit or new market entrants such […]

Belgian transposition of the PSDII rules of conduct

The transposition of the second Payment Services Directive (the “PSDII”) should have been completed on 13 January 2018. With a delay of a few months, a Belgian draft law implementing the PSDII rules of conduct into the Economic Law Code (the “Rules of Conduct (draft) Law”) has finally been released and is likely to be […]

A step forward for the draft new Companies and Associations Code

On 25 May 2018, the Council of Ministers approved the draft new Companies and Associations Code which aims at modernising the regime applicable to companies and associations. The draft Code will now be submitted to the Federal Parliament for discussion and vote. We expect parliamentary approval in the autumn of this year. One of the […]

2nd e-Money Directive evaluation: too little and too late?

The 2nd E-money Directive’s ambitions The first e-money directive 200/46/EC was not as successful as initially expected. Some of its provisions limited the development of the European e-money market, notably due to certain over-demanding prudential requirements and uncertainties about its scope of application. The second e-money directive 2009/110/EC of 16 September 2009 (“2EMD”) was meant […]

GDPR – Are you ready?

On 10 January 2018, the law of 3 December 2017 concerning the establishment of the Data Protection Authority was published in the Belgian’s official Gazette. This law, reforming the current Commission for the protection of privacy, is one of the necessary legislative efforts to anticipate the entry into force of the European Union’s General Regulation […]

Our review of the EU Commission draft FinTech Action Plan

The EU should work on “a more future-oriented regulatory framework embracing digitalisation, with the aim of creating an environment where innovative FinTech products and solutions can be rapidly rolled out across the EU to benefit from the scale economies of the Single Market” (EU Commission draft FinTech Action Plan) And to attain this ambitious objective, […]

ICOs in Belgium and Europe: a legal perspective

What’s in a name? The term ICO stands for ‘Initial Coin Offering’, a rather obvious reference to IPOs (‘Initial Public Offering’). Like IPOs, ICOs can be described as a means of raising public funds. And quite a good one.  Although numbers vary from one analyst to another, in 2017 alone, approximately USD 3 billion would […]

A drug prescription assistance software can be a medical device

In its judgment dated 7 December 2017 (case C-329/16), the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) considered that software, of which at least one of the functions makes it possible to use patient-specific data for the purposes, inter alia, of detecting contraindications, drug interactions and excessive doses, is, in respect of that function, […]

The Belgian corporate income tax reform

As announced since several months, the new Belgian corporate income tax reform was recently enacted by the law of 25 December 2017 (hereafter: “Law”), as published in the Belgian State Gazette of 27 December 2017. Hereunder you will find a summary of some of the major highlights of this reform. Decrease of the nominal corporate income […]