Protect your Trade Secrets – General Introduction

Protect your Trade Secrets – General Introduction The legal framework governing trade secrets in Belgium has changed significantly with the adoption of EU Directive 2016/943 of 8 June 2016 on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) against their unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure (“Trade Secrets Directive”). The Trade Secrets Directive was […]

Research and Development (R&D) agreements – New rules and transitional period

| Research and Development (R&D) agreements – New rules and transitional period Since 1 July 2023, a new regulation concerning the block exemption for research and development (R&D) agreements is in force (Commission Regulation 2023/1066 of 1 June 2023 on the application of Article 101, §3 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European […]

New rules on consumer debt collection in Belgium – Time to change your T&Cs

| New rules on consumer debt collection in Belgium – Time to change your T&Cs. Are you a company facing unpaid consumer invoices? What are you allowed to do in light of the new Belgian consumer debt collection rules? As of when do these rules enter into force and should you amend your existing T&Cs? […]

The Rise of (new) Savings Products on the Market

SAVE NOW BUY LATER, APPLE CARD’S SAVING ACCOUNT, HIGH-YIELD SAVINGS PRODUCTS With the current rise of interest rates, savings products are gaining traction again on the market across the globe, including in Belgium and Europe. We observe the return of some very traditional savings products as well as the rise of certain innovative FinTech-oriented features. […]

UPC Agreement | Proceedings and costs

UPC AGREEMENT | PROCEEDINGS AND COST This article can be downloaded here. The introduction of the European patent with unitary effect is accompanied by the creation of a Unified Patent Court (abbreviated “UPC”) with exclusive jurisdiction to hear certain claims concerning this new type of patent and some other similar titles. We have already published […]

New marketing rules for gambling operators in Belgium: a whole new dimension

On 1 July 2023, the Royal Decree of 27 February 2023 determining the conditions for advertising games of chance entered into force (“Royal Decree”). WHAT IS IT? Until now, only advertising by C licence holders (operators of gaming machines in a bar) and F2 licence holders (bookshops) was regulated (respectively by the Royal Decree of […]

A new screening mechanism of foreign investments in Belgium starts on 1 July 2023!

As from 1 July 2023, foreign (i.e. non-EU) investors will have to notify the Interfederal Screening Commission (‘ISC’) about their investment plans in certain sectors in Belgium. Targeted are investments in sectors considered to be highly sensitive, or that could impact national security, public order, or the strategic interests. For these investments, prior approval of […]

Belgian law transposing the European Mobility Directive regarding cross-border mergers, demergers and conversions has now been published in the Belgian State Gazette

The Belgian law of 25 May 2023 implementing the EU Directive 2019/2121 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 amending Directive 2017/1132 regarding cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions, also called the “Mobility Directive”, has been published on 6 June 2023. The Mobility Directive updates the rules governing cross-border mergers and […]

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and Financial Services

NFTs have garnered significant attention as a unique form of digital assets, representing ownership and authenticity of various digital content ranging from collectibles and art pieces to more typical financial assets such as securities. As a relatively new and diverse asset class, NFTs are still evolving in an environment with limited legal certainty regarding their […]

Deadline to update companies’ articles of association approaching!

The Belgian Companies and Associations Code (the ‘BCAC’) entered into force 4 years ago, on 1 May 2019. The transition period is soon ending. By 31 December 2023, all companies that were incorporated before 1 May 2019 must have updated their articles of association. | DEADLINE: 31 DECEMBER 2023 When the BCAC entered into force, […]

Should IP Owners mind the NFT Business?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are digital assets registered on the blockchain that represent unique though intangible items such as, among others, pictures, videos or video game collectibles. These digital assets feature unique characteristics allowing them to somehow replicate the tangible attributes of physical goods like uniqueness, scarcity and proof of ownership. In the virtual economy, NFTs […]