New registration obligation for Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs) in Belgium

As of 1 May 2022, certain crypto-related activities in Belgium will become regulated. The providers of these services will have to register with the Financial Services and Market Authority (‘FSMA’). On 8 February 2022, the Belgian government finally adopted its much-awaited Royal Decree on the status and supervision of providers of exchange services between virtual […]

What is in the proposal Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence?

On 23 February 2022, the European Commission issued the long-awaited proposal Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence (the “Draft Directive”). The Draft Directive will impose on the largest companies and companies in high-impact sectors a due diligence duty for their own operations, their subsidiaries, as well as their established direct and indirect business relationships throughout […]

Unregistered designs: open road for the protection of car parts?

In “Ferrari / Mansory Design” (C-123-20), the CJEU clarified that unregistered design rights could arise in individual car parts as a result of the disclosure of an overall image of the car in the EU. This is good news for car manufacturers, but the EU Commission’s proposal to reform the EU design regime for spare […]

New Belgian tax regime for expats

After many decades, a new expat regime has replaced the current regime as of 1 January 2022. The idea is still to enable international companies to attract qualified people in Belgium at a more competitive cost. While the new regime should provide more legal certainty and accommodate certain flaws, it also brings fundamental changes (including […]

Digital Content Directive: imminent changes in the video game industry

EU Digital Content Directive - Impact on Video Games

Over the last couple of years, video game players around the world have had several occasions to complain about video game companies due to “broken promises”. The video game industry remembers the recent disaster of Cyberpunk 2077’s launch, one of the most expected games of end 2020. At its release, the games’ console version suffered […]

Nouvelles mesures contre le retard de paiement dans les transactions commerciales

loi 14 août 2021 - lutte retard paiement transactions commerciales

Ce 1er février 2022, des règles plus strictes tendant à lutter contre le retard de paiement dans les transactions commerciales entrent en vigueur en Belgique. Elles entendent constituer un outil efficace pour obtenir des paiements en temps et en heure en matière commerciale. Ces nouvelles mesures sont prévues par la loi du 14 août 2021 […]

Simont Braun authors Belgian chapter in Chambers Litigation Guide

Are you looking for a clear overview of litigation in Belgium? Simont Braun is happy to share its experience in the Chambers Litigation Global Practice Guide, available here. It provides a sharp and pragmatic insight into the Belgian judicial system, including litigation funding and costs, initiating a lawsuit, particular proceedings, trial and judgment, settlements, damages, […]

The EU Recovery Prospectus: a useful tool?

EU Recovery prospectus - Sandrine Hirsch - Simont Braun

In February 2021, a new short-form prospectus was introduced in the EU regulatory framework aimed at supporting recovery from the business and financial impact of the COVID-19 crisis (Regulation 2021/337 of 16 February 2021 amending the Prospectus Regulation 2017/1129 of 14 June 2017). Such a new form of prospectus, called the ‘Recovery Prospectus’, seeks more […]

Hague System – WIPO adopts new design rules to fit business needs

Hague System – WIPO adopts new design rules

Since 1 January 2022, the Hague System Common Regulations contain new rules on force majeure, design publication and transfer of ownership. These recent changes grant users more flexibility to manage their design portfolio. We examine below the implications of these new rules for design applicants and owners worldwide. Excuse in case of force majeure (Rule […]

Nouveautés fiscales 2022 | Fiscale nieuwigheden 2022

Nouveautés fiscales 2022 - Fiscale nieuwigheden 2022

Chaque nouvelle année apporte son lot de changements en matière de droit fiscal. Sans grande publicité, d’importantes mesures fiscales viennent d’être publiées et sont en vigueur depuis ce début 2022. Nederlandse versie beschikbaar hieronder On signalera notamment : Réforme du régime des « cadres étrangers », désormais dénommé régime spécial d’imposition pour les contribuables impatriés et pour les […]

Simont Braun assists Test Achats in reaching successful agreement with Ryanair

Test Achats Ryanair - accord class action

Simont Braun was representing Test Achats in the class action against Ryanair to seek compensation for passengers who were victims of strikes by the Ryanair staff in summer 2018. The estimated total compensation was € 16 million, and the class action gathered 30,000 consumers. The parties have just concluded an agreement putting an end to this […]

Simont Braun assists NewB in launching its first ethical investment fund

Simont Braun assists NewB in the launch of its first ethical investment fund on the Belgian market.

NewB, the cooperative, ethical and sustainable bank has just launched its first ethical investment fund on the Belgian market. Our Digital Finance team is very happy to have assisted NewB in this new venture. Setting up an alternative and sustainable banking model is a long and challenging journey. By launching its investment fund, NewB has […]