Gaming & Law | Adaptation rights and video games (Part 2)

Gaming and law - adaptation rights in video games

Gaming: what’s law got to do with it? The online leisure and social gaming sectors are amongst the fastest growing and changing sectors. Simont Braun makes sure you stay on top of your game. This article is part of a series intending to guide you through the regulatory landscape applicable to video games. This series […]

Gaming & Law | Adaptation rights and video games (Part 1)

Gaming and law - adaptation rights in video games

Gaming: what’s law got to do with it? The online leisure and social gaming sectors are amongst the fastest growing and changing sectors. Simont Braun makes sure you stay on top of your game. This article is part of a series intending to guide you through the regulatory landscape applicable to video games. This series […]

Gaming & Law | Mapping the regulatory landscape (Episode 2)

Mapping the regulatory landscape

Gaming: what’s law got to do with it? The online leisure and social gaming sectors are amongst the fastest growing and changing sectors. Simont Braun makes sure you stay on top of your game. This article is part of a series intending to guide you through the regulatory landscape applicable to video games. This series is […]

Covid-19 vaccine | The European Commission and AstraZeneca reach an agreement

The european commission against astrazeneca - covid-19 vaccines

Simont Braun is pleased to announce that the European Commission (EC) and AstraZeneca have reached an agreement that will secure the delivery of the remaining COVID-19 vaccine doses to the Member States. This agreement also ends the pending litigation before the Brussels Court of First Instance, where Simont Braun represented the EC. Simont Braun assisted […]

The Belgian Google Case | Part 2

Belgian google case - data protection

In a previous article (available here), we have highlighted the decision of the Belgian Data Protection Authority (hereafter: “BDPA”) of 14 July 2020 where it imposed a fine of 600k to Google Belgium SA. The case was interesting for its private international law aspects. The BDPA had decided to fine the Belgian subsidiary of Google […]

La tierce décision obligatoire : quand y faire appel ?

la tierce décision obligatoire en Belgique

Les modes alternatifs de règlements des conflits (“MARC”) ont gagné du terrain depuis quelques années. Tant les entreprises que les justiciables préfèrent une justice plus rapide, efficace et à moindre coût. En janvier 2021, le Barreau de Bruxelles a mis la tierce décision obligatoire (“TDO”) à l’honneur en la consacrant dans son règlement déontologique. Le […]

Bad faith trademark registration: what about pre-existing relations?

Bad faith in trademark registrations - Earnest Sewn case

The “Earnest Sewn” Case A (former) distributor who files an identical or similar EU trademark to foreign trademarks or protected signs, is in a more uncomfortable position when defending a registration in bad faith claim than a random third party. When there are indications of a pre-existing relationship between the parties (e.g. where the applicant […]

Illegal uploads – CJEU’s landmark ruling for the platform economy

CJEU Youtube - Cyando - illegal uploads: the cjeu issues a landmark ruling for the platform economy

On 22 June 2021, the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) issued a ruling on the liability of platform operators with regard to illegal uploads of copyrighted content by their users. In this much-awaited decision (available here), the CJEU confirmed to a large extent the opinion of its Advocate […]

Climate change litigation in Belgium is on the march

Climate justice in belgium - deicsion of 17 june 2021

On 17 June 2021, the Brussels Court of First Instance ruled that the Belgian federal and regional governments failed to meet their climate obligations. The Court found that the non-profit organisation “Klimaatzaak – Affaire Climat” and the 58,000 citizens it represents have a “direct and personal interest” in the action. Despite Belgium’s federal structure, the […]

Global rise of Buy Now Pay Later: state of play in Belgium

Buy now pay later - status in Belgium

Deferred payment methods, often called “Buy Now Pay Later (“BNPL”) solutions”, allow customers to acquire goods immediately while spreading the payment of the purchase price over time. The interest for consumers is obvious and consists in softening the impact of a purchase on one’s finances. For merchants, the solution is also advantageous. It allows them […]

Covid-19 vaccines: AstraZeneca did not make its “best reasonable efforts”

The european commission against astrazeneca - covid-19 vaccines

Simont Braun is proud to represent the European Commission and the 27 Member States in the judicial proceedings against AstraZeneca to deliver millions of Covid-19 vaccine doses. On 18 June, the Brussels French-speaking Court of first instance ruled that AstraZeneca grossly and intentionally breached its agreement with the EC. It ordered the company to comply […]

Simont Braun welcomes a new tax team

new tax team at Simont Braun

Simont Braun is delighted to announce the appointment of Thomas Gernay as partner and Guillaume Delfosse as counsel in our tax department. They will develop the tax practice together with Jacques Malherbe, of counsel. Thomas Gernay (partner) and Guillaume Delfosse (counsel) “We are pleased to have Thomas and Guillaume on board to lead the development […]