Trademarks & Designs | Fake application or renewal invoices!

Trademark applicants and owners often receive documents asking for payments related to a trademark or design application or renewal. Cautiousness is highly recommended in this respect! For example, a new misleading invoice is in circulation, which takes the form of a fake European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) renewal invoice. The misleading invoice has recently […]

Arrêté ministeriel 28.10.2020 | Mesures urgentes pour lutter contre le Covid-19

Comme suite aux dernières mesures de confinement annoncées en Belgique, l’arrêté dit “de confinement” le plus récent, daté du 28 octobre 2020 et portant des mesures d’urgence pour limiter la propagation du coronavirus Covid-19, a été amendé le 1er novembre par un arrêté publié au Moniteur belge le jour-même. Simont Braun a réalisé une version […]

Saisies par les douanes | Numéro EORI

Depuis le 15 septembre 2020, le numéro EORI est devenu obligatoire pour obtenir des mesures douanières : les formulaires de demande de saisie ont en effet été modifiés afin d’imposer la mention du numéro EORI. Le numéro EORI Le numéro « EORI » (« Economic Operator Registration and Identification ») est unique à chaque opérateur […]

The European Commission issued its new Digital Finance Package

FLASH NEWS | Yesterday, the European Commission issued its new Digital Finance Package presenting a new digital finance strategy and new legislative proposals. The key takeaways are: 1. Legislative proposals on crypto-assets including a regulated status for previously unregulated crypto-assets; 2. An EU regulatory framework on digital resilience; 3. A renewed strategy for retail payments […]

Jurisdiction, territoriality and data protection: the Belgian Google case

Summary  |  This article deals with the private international law aspects in the Belgian Google case. With its decision of 14 July 2020, the Belgian Data Protection Authority confirms it is competent to hear a complaint filed against Google’s Belgian subsidiary, Google Belgium SA, even though the latter does not determine the purposes and means […]

Have you thought of mediation to solve your disputes?

As part of our objective to offer tailored and efficient solutions to our clients, we are happy to announce that Fanny Laune has become a registered mediator in civil and commercial matters. Mediation offers many advantages, in particular, the confidentiality of the process, and the possibility to create tailor-made and pragmatic solutions close to every […]

Simont Braun is a member of PayBelgium

PayBelgium - member Simont Braun

Simont Braun has become a member of PayBelgium, an association representing the interests of the Belgian payment industry. We’re looking forward to working alongside many of our clients and using our strong track record to bring business realities and regulations closer for more effective innovation. For any question, please contact Simont Braun’s team: – +32 […]

The electronic signature: which validity?

With the COVID-19 crisis and the rise of teleworking, certain practices have evolved as the use of electronic signatures, which may soon become the rule rather than the exception. In practice, it is not always clear which documents can be signed electronically, which type of electronic signature should be used and what is its legal […]

COVID-19 – IP Offices take measures to face the pandemic – Update 7 July

Update 7 July 2020  |  The COVID-19 pandemic has been progressing worldwide. In an effort to control its expansion, public authorities have taken restrictive measures that impact both people and companies on their territory. In this context, IP Offices have adopted decisions to secure their users’ rights and the safety of their staff. Here are […]

Fanny Laune featured in Trends-Tendances regarding judicial restructuring procedure

Fanny Laune is featured in the Trends-Tendances article “Faut-il assouplir la réorganisation judiciaire?” by Gilles Quoistiaux. This is the opportunity to share views on a draft bill aiming to simplify this rescue procedure for companies which will likely boom in the coming months… The article is available here. Should you have any question on this […]

Simont Braun recognised again for its patent expertise by iAM 1000

Our IP team has again been highly recognised in Silver Band for its expertise in patents by iAM Patent. The department is ranked in Silver with the following mention: « Complex global patent litigation is meat and drink to the lawyers at Simont Braun, who conjure up ingenious solutions to contentious challenges in the life sciences, […]