Suspension des délais de préavis pour les jours de chômage temporaire Corona

La loi du 15 juin 2020 visant à suspendre les délais de préavis durant les jours de chômage temporaire pour cause de force majeure en raison de la crise du COVID-19 est entrée en vigueur ce jour. La loi s’applique à tous les licenciements avec préavis à prester dont le délai de préavis a commencé […]

Manuela von Kuegelgen interviewed in Le Soir Immo

Manuela von Kuegelgen, partner in Real Estate, Public & Administrative Law, got featured in Le Soir Immo (Thursday 11 June), providing insight on practical questions raised by the recent CoBAT reform. The full interview is available here.

Feu vert pour le congé parental « Corona » jusqu’au 30 juin 2020

Afin de faciliter la situation des travailleurs devant assurer la garde de leurs enfants dans l’attente de la réouverture des écoles suite aux mesures de confinement, le gouvernement a prévu la possibilité de prendre un congé parental Corona (Arrêté royal du 13 mai 2020). Les grandes lignes de ce congé parental sont les suivantes : Les […]

IP & Covid-19: A 2-minute overview of the IP measures in Belgium by Emmanuel Cornu

The current context of the Covid-19 outbreak has many consequences for the world of intellectual property: the deadlines of the courts and offices have been extended, the authorities have reorganised their control activities, etc. As governmental measures differ from country to country, the UNIFAB invited Emmanuel Cornu to present a summary of the situation in […]

Autonomous Vehicles in Belgium. Is our legal system ready?

We have been hearing about autonomous vehicles (“AVs”) for quite a while. However, as time goes by, the use of AVs is getting closer to becoming a reality. In various countries, car manufacturers are now carrying out tests on open or closed parts of public roads. Just like engineers are facing technical challenges in this […]

Simont Braun authors ICLG Belgian Chapter on Trademarks

Emmanuel Cornu, Eric De Gryse, Romain Meys and Julie Kever authored the Belgian chapter on Trademarks in the International Comparative Legal Guides 2020, providing a high-level and easy-to-read overview of the key issues and legal principles applicable to this field. The Belgian chapter is available here. For any question in this area, do not hesitate to […]

Covid-19 | Exceptional measures for listed companies

remote shareholders meetings belgium

As you know, exceptional measures are now facilitating the functioning of corporate bodies in Belgium (see our previous news here). But what about listed companies? The FSMA has published a Q&A focusing on their specific obligations. The Q&A is available in French here and in Dutch here. For any question, do not hesitate to contact our […]

Covid-19: Duties and liabilities of directors in times of crisis

moratoire entreprises en difficulté - covid 19 Belgique

The health crisis we are experiencing and the restrictive measures adopted to limit its spread are and will be deeply affecting businesses. With all the economic and human consequences that this entails, this ordeal could be fatal for many of them. What are the decisive role and obligations that directors must now adopt to overcome […]

Simont Braun authors ICLG Belgian Chapter on the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments

Rafaël Jafferali and Fanny Laune authored the Belgian chapter on the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in the International Comparative Legal Guide 2020, offering thought and pragmatic insight on the key questions that arise in this complex area. The Belgian chapter is available here. For any question in this area, do not hesitate to contact the […]

Mesures fiscales de soutien aux entreprises dans le cadre de la crise Coronavirus Covid-19

L’administration fiscale fédérale a annoncé, par une communication officielle du 6 mars et une circulaire du 23 mars 2020, plusieurs mesures d’aides aux entreprises rencontrant des difficultés en raison de l’épidémie de Coronavirus. En voici une synthèse. Qui peut en bénéficier ?    Toutes les personnes physiques ou morales disposant d’un numéro d’entreprise BCE, peu […]