Global rise of Buy Now Pay Later: state of play in Belgium

Buy now pay later - status in Belgium

Deferred payment methods, often called “Buy Now Pay Later (“BNPL”) solutions”, allow customers to acquire goods immediately while spreading the payment of the purchase price over time. The interest for consumers is obvious and consists in softening the impact of a purchase on one’s finances. For merchants, the solution is also advantageous. It allows them […]

Covid-19 vaccines: AstraZeneca did not make its “best reasonable efforts”

The european commission against astrazeneca - covid-19 vaccines

Simont Braun is proud to represent the European Commission and the 27 Member States in the judicial proceedings against AstraZeneca to deliver millions of Covid-19 vaccine doses. On 18 June, the Brussels French-speaking Court of first instance ruled that AstraZeneca grossly and intentionally breached its agreement with the EC. It ordered the company to comply […]

Simont Braun welcomes a new tax team

new tax team at Simont Braun

Simont Braun is delighted to announce the appointment of Thomas Gernay as partner and Guillaume Delfosse as counsel in our tax department. They will develop the tax practice together with Jacques Malherbe, of counsel. Thomas Gernay (partner) and Guillaume Delfosse (counsel) “We are pleased to have Thomas and Guillaume on board to lead the development […]

The European Commission vs. AstraZeneca – What will happen in Round 1?

The european commission against astrazeneca - covid-19 vaccines

Simont Braun is proud to represent the European Commission and the 27 Member States in the judicial proceedings against AstraZeneca for the delays in supplying millions of Covid-19 vaccine doses. (see our previous press release here). Today, Simont Braun is pleading before the French-speaking court of first instance of Brussels in the emergency proceedings. In […]

Simont Braun assists the European Commission against AstraZeneca

The european commission against astrazeneca - covid-19 vaccines

Simont Braun is proud to represent the European Commission and the 27 Member States in the judicial proceedings against AstraZeneca for the delays in supplying millions of Covid-19 vaccine doses. The action is based on the breach of the contract terms and the lack of a reliable strategy by AstraZeneca to timely ensure the delivery […]

The Code of Good Governance: a new toolkit for entrepreneurs and SMEs

Code bonne gouvernance 2021 UCM UNIZO

On 19 March 2021, UCM and UNIZO published a Code of Good Governance. The Code of Good Governance is presented as a corporate governance “toolkit” for entrepreneurs and SMEs to create awareness on the importance of sound corporate governance to be competitive, effective and resilient. General principles The Code of Good Governance (available here in […]

Privacy rulings in Belgium soon?

Data protection - privacy ruling - Belgium

A bit of context The world we live in is growing ever more complex and so is the regulatory landscape. Companies and businesses are subject to multiple layers of rules and finding one’s way across these technicalities can be both burdensome and expensive. At the same time, regulatory breaches can lead to harsh consequences. In […]

Liber Amicorum Paul Alain Foriers | Le monde juridique rend hommage à Paul Alain Foriers

Liber Amicorum Paul Alain Foriers - avocat Simont Braun

Le Liber Amicorum Paul Alain Foriers honore une carrière exceptionnelle, entre tradition et pragmatisme. Avocat à la Cour de cassation, professeur ordinaire émérite à l’Université libre de Bruxelles, Paul Alain Foriers a inspiré et profondément marqué plusieurs générations de juristes. Collègues, confrères, magistrats, assistants et anciens étudiants ont souhaité exprimer leur reconnaissance, leur estime, et […]