Simont Braun benoemt Tom Swinnen tot co-managing partner
BRUSSEL, 25 januari 2023 – Het advocatenkantoor Simont Braun kondigt aan dat het Tom Swinnen heeft benoemd tot Managing Partner. Samen met Joan Carette, managing partner sinds maart 2022, vormen zij het nieuwe duo dat instaat voor alle aspecten van dagelijks bestuur van het kantoor. Tom Swinnen (39) heeft meer dan 15 jaar ervaring en is gespecialiseerd in Corporate […]
Onze ESG waarden
Milieuduurzaamheid, sociale verantwoordelijkheid en goed bestuur zijn essentieel voor onze vooruitgang als onderneming en als advocatenkantoor. Simont Braun zet zich actief in voor betere duurzaamheid, diversiteit, inclusie en good governance. Wij promoten en implementeren de ESG-waarden binnen ons kantoor, in onze interacties met onze cliënten en andere actoren in onze waardeketen en met de samenleving […]
Simont Braun assists active partners in funding round in classified cycling
Brussels, 5 December 2022 | Simont Braun successfully assisted Active Partners in a funding round of €22 million in Classified Cycling, a Belgium-based company developing innovative technology for the cycling industry Active Partners, a consumer-focused investment firm, took the lead and invested in a funding round of €22 million in Classified Cycling, a Belgium-based company developing innovative technology for […]
Met de trein naar MIPIM 2023
Beste deelnemer, Wij hebben het plezier om u ook dit jaar weer de mogelijkheid te bieden om samen naar MIPIM 2023 te reizen met de Simont Braun Trein. Meer dan ooit zijn we op zoek naar een aangename en milieuvriendelijke manier van reizen. Vanuit die gedachte is in 2018 de Simont Braun Trein ontstaan, en […]
Access to the Belgian insurance distribution market for UK providers in a post-Brexit era
Anticipating and reacting to the effects of Brexit, various insurance intermediaries based in the United Kingdom looked for means to continue serving the European market after the loss of their passporting rights (i.e. their right to recognition of their UK licence as an insurance intermediary throughout the EEA). A traditional solution, chosen by many UK […]
Simont Braun boosts its mediation capabilities with Alexia Faes named certified mediator
We are delighted to announce that Alexia Faes, associate in construction law, has been named registered mediator in civil and commercial matters by the Federale Bemiddelingscommissie – Commission fédérale de mediation. More than ever, enterprises want efficient and swift solutions rather than lengthy judicial proceedings to solve their disputes. At Simont Braun, we understand this […]
The Special Commission on Construction: in case of dispute, think of mediation!
The construction sector is a permanent mediation. Contractors, suppliers, site managers, all of them have to engage in constant dialogue to find pragmatic solutions to possible conflicts. The event “Construction & Mediation into the wild”, organised by Simont Braun and the Federal Mediation Commission on 31 August at Pairi Daiza, was the perfect opportunity to […]
De Bijzondere Commissie Bouw: Bemiddelen is het nieuwe procederen
De bouwsector is een permanente bemiddeling. Aannemers, productleveranciers en werfleiders moeten constant in dialoog gaan om pragmatische oplossingen te vinden voor onvermijdbare conflicten. Het evenement “Construction & Mediation into the wild“, georganiseerd door Simont Braun en de Federale Bemiddelingscommissie op 31 augustus in Pairi Daiza, was de ideale gelegenheid om de Bijzondere Commissie Bouw en […]
Payment service providers can rely on bank secrecy in case of tax audit
Can payment service providers rely on bank secrecy in case of tax audits? On 31 May 2022, the Court of appeal of Ghent ruled on the possibility for the Belgian tax authorities to request information from payment service providers (PSP) regarding financial transactions. In its decision, the Court notably confirms the following: PSP should be […]
Simont Braun assists Atlantic Money in obtaining licence as payment institution
Brussels, July 2022 – Simont Braun successfully assisted Atlantic Money, an international money transfer provider, in obtaining a licence as an authorised payment institution (PI) from the National Bank of Belgium (NBB). This is the first new Belgian payment institution licence granted by the NBB in over a year. This Belgian PI licence will allow […]
Blueprint for a large tax reform
Today, our Minister of Finance has released a “Blueprint for a large tax reform”, paving the way for a vast reform of our Belgian tax system. Key principles of this groundbreaking reform that would lead to a “dual income tax” system: Lowering taxation on professional income: tax rates would be reduced and made more progressive; […]
Simont Braun welcomes Ann Frédérique Belle as a partner in its Supreme Court department.
Simont Braun is delighted to announce the appointment of Ann Frédérique Belle as a partner in its Supreme Court department. Ann Frédérique Belle is one of the twenty lawyers admitted to the Belgian Supreme Court bar. She has been a member of the Brussels bar since 1985. Over the years, Ann Frédérique has acquired extensive […]