Protect your Geographical Indications | New EU Regulation for Craft and Industrial Products

On 27 October 2023 the Regulation (EU) 2023/2411 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 October 2023 on the protection of geographical indications for craft and industrial products and amending Regulations (EU) 2017/1001 and (EU) 2019/1753 (“Regulation”) was published. This Regulation introduces a new EU intellectual property right, extending the protection for […]

Protégez votre intimité en ligne | Optimisation judiciaire

Protégez votre intimité en ligne | Optimisation judiciaire contre la diffusion non consentie de contenus à caractère sexuel Le 9 août dernier, a été publiée au Moniteur belge la loi du 31 juillet 2023 visant à rendre la justice plus humaine, plus rapide et plus ferme IV. C’est dans le cadre de cette large réforme […]

INSOLVENCY Series | Episode 3: Public and private reorganisation procedures

An undertaking in financial distress can consider judicial reorganisation as a means of restoring its financial stability. The judicial reorganisation procedure (“JRP”) is the Belgian pre-insolvency procedure, whose purpose is indeed to safeguard the continuity of the undertaking facing financial difficulties. Belgian law provides for two JRPs: JRP by mutual agreement, which aims to reach […]

Protect your Trade Secrets – Employer-employee relationship

In the first three episodes of our Trade Secrets Series we gave an introduction to the legal framework governing trade secrets in Belgium and explained in more detail the acts against which a trade secret holder can take action and what measures and remedies he can obtain. In this fourth episode we will focus on […]

Accords de spécialisation | Quelques assouplissements et période transitoire

Depuis le 1er juillet 2023, un nouveau règlement est en vigueur au sujet de l’exemption par catégorie des accords de spécialisation (règlement 2023/1067 de la Commission du 1er juin 2023 relatif à l’application de l’article 101, paragraphe 3, du Traité sur le fonctionnement de l’Union européenne [TFUE] à certaines catégories d’accords de spécialisation, JOUE, 2 […]

INSOLVENCY Series | Episode 2: Identifying risks and preventive tools

IDENTIFYING RISKS OF INSOLVENCY AND PREVENTIVE TOOLS TO AVOID INSOLVENCY Insolvency proceedings, and in particular liquidation proceedings, should remain a last resort. Accordingly, the Belgian Code of Economic Law (“CEL”) contains several preventive mechanisms designed (1) to detect the risk of insolvency in due course, and (2) to take preventive measures to redress undertakings’ financial […]

Protect your Trade Secrets – Procedures, Measures and Remedies

In the first two episodes of our Trade Secrets Series we gave an introduction to the legal framework governing trade secrets in Belgium and explained in more detail the acts against which a trade secret holder can and cannot take action. In this third episode we will analyse the procedures, measures and remedies that can […]


INSURANCE LAW – UPDATED RULES ON CONTRACT RENEWAL AND TERMINATION AHEAD On 5 October 2023, the Belgian Federal Parliament passed a draft law adapting the rules on (almost all) non-life insurance policies’ renewal and termination (the “Law”). This Law will come into force on the first day of the 12th month following its publication in […]

INSOLVENCY Series | Episode 1: Introduction

WHAT’S INSOLVENCY? The term « insolvency » is widely used, especially in these troubled economic times, but what does it mean exactly? Insolvency is a state of financial distress where an entity’s liabilities exceed its assets, making it difficult or impossible to meet its financial commitments. In the last few months, Belgian insolvency law has come to […]

Protect your Trade Secrets – Infringing acts, exempt acts, and exceptions

In the first episode of our Trade Secrets Series we gave an introduction to the legal framework governing trade secrets in Belgium. In this second episode we will explain in more detail the acts against which a trade secret holder can and cannot take action. The acts against which no action can be taken: the […]

Mesures pan-européennes anti-contrefaçon contre plusieurs défendeurs établis dans différents États membres de l’Union européenne

Mesures pan-européennes anti-contrefaçon contre plusieurs défendeurs établis dans différents États membres de l’Union européenne En bref Par arrêt du 7 septembre 2023 (Beverage City Polska, C-832/21), la Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne (CJUE) a jugé que plusieurs défendeurs établis dans différents États membres de l’UE, tous accusés d’avoir commis le même acte de contrefaçon […]