Sander Van Loock

specialises in contract law, commercial law, corporate law and financial law. He assists Belgian and international clients before the Belgian courts and in arbitral procedures, also providing advice on these matters.

He is secretary of the expert group appointed by the Minister of Justice to reform the Belgian law of obligations.

Sander is currently writing a PhD thesis on the security agent in syndicated loans at the InstituutvoorVerbintenissenrecht (Institute for Law of Obligations) of the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) as a voluntary researcher. He is also a member of the Centre de Droit Privé (Centre for Private Law) at Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles.

Sander Van Loock is a member of the editorial committee of the Belgian Commercial Law Review (Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht – Revue de Droit Commercial Belge) and Ius Mercatorum. He has authored several publications on corporate, financial and contract law. Sander’s publications are available here. He is a regular speaker at scientific conferences and seminars.

He received the Ius Commune Prize (2014) for his contribution on the Lehman Brothers’ insolvency and the protection of client money, published in the European Review of Private Law.

Bachelor in Law (KULeuven, 2008)

Erasmus Exchange (Université Montpellier I, 2009)

Master of Law (KULeuven, 2010)

LL.M. in Commercial Law (University of Cambridge, 2011)

Member of the Brussels Bar since 2017
