Renaud van Melsen interviewed in Le Soir Immo

A good read to start the year? We are happy to share Renaud van Melsen’s interview in Le Soir Immo. What is our role as lawyers in real estate and public law? What are today’s major questions in town planning and environmental law? To read the article « Les avocats ne sont pas des penseurs en […]

Highlights 2020 and upcoming events in 2021

legal highlights 2020 - events 2021 - Belgium law firm Simont Braun

What happened in 2020, and what is to expect in 2021? Every day in December, Simont Braun shared legal highlights of 2020 and upcoming events for 2021 in its End-of-Year Countdown. Here is a recap of each highlight by area of practice: 1. Corporate law 2. Intellectual property 3. Digital finance & Financial services 3. […]

(R)évolution du droit des biens : 10 points clés pour le droit immobilier

La loi du 4 février 2020 a réformé et modernisé en profondeur le droit des biens. Cette loi introduit un nouveau Livre 3 dans le nouveau Code civil.  La réforme entre en vigueur le 1er septembre 2021. Les dispositions du livre 3 sont supplétives sauf les définitions et les dispositions qualifiées d’impératives. Voici dix points […]

Le renforcement de la coopération publique

La coopération non institutionnalisée permet à des pouvoirs adjudicateurs de recourir librement à des mécanismes de mutualisation d’une ou plusieurs de leurs missions sans devoir recourir à une procédure de marché public. En 2020, la CJUE a précisé l’une des principales conditions permettant de mobiliser cette exception du droit des marchés publics. Un marché conclu […]

Nouveau cadre réglementaire pour les mandataires en brevets

Ce 1er décembre 2020, la première partie de la loi du 8 juillet 2018 réformant la profession des mandataires en brevets et créant un Institut belge des mandataires en brevets est entrée en vigueur. Cette loi complète la réglementation existante au sujet de la profession des mandataires en brevets. La deuxième partie de la loi […]

Unfair terms in B2B relations – What you should know from now on.

Are you a small, medium or big company? As a builder, banker, retailer, seller or any other business, do you enter into B2B agreements that usually provide for some penalties, limitation of liability, specific duration or transfer of risks? Would you mind if a judge strikes down these clauses or reviews the price agreed to […]

New law on basic banking services for businesses in Belgium

Yesterday, 24 November 2020, the new law on basic banking services for businesses has been published in the Belgian Official Journal. This law voted on 22 October 2020 by the Belgian Parliament introduces a right to basic banking services for companies in Book VII of the Economic Law Code. This new regime aims at providing […]

Payments in the video game industry: Regulatory Status in Belgium

Rising importance of payments in the video game industry: Apple v. Epic Games This summer has brought a major lawsuit in the video game industry with the “Apple v. Epic Games” case. Epic Games, the developer of the popular game Fortnite, introduced the possibility for its iOS users to buy V-Bucks (the virtual currency used […]

A European passport for crowdfunding

At last, a European passport for crowdfunding! As from 10 November 2021, it will be possible for both new and existing crowdfunding platforms to obtain a licence allowing them to carry out their activities in all EU countries. What does it mean in practice for SMEs, start-ups and potential investors? Catherine Houssa clarifies the main […]

Simont Braun authors FinTech Belgian Chapter in The Legal 500

Have a look at the FinTech Belgian Chapter authored by Simont Braun in The Legal 500 Comparative Guide! It’s a concise, pragmatic and yet comprehensive overview of FinTech in Belgium, and a must-read for all practitioners and actors of the sector. The Belgian Chapter is available here. Thank you, in particular, to Catherine Houssa, Philippe […]