The construction sector is undergoing fundamental changes. Both public authorities and private entities are facing increasing environmental regulation and technical demands, such as notably EPB, BREEAM and soil pollution legislation. Operators in the construction sector need to navigate such increasingly complex and specific sets of standards and requirements while remaining competitive. This becomes all the more relevant with the growing input at regional, national and European level. New structures and associations are emerging (e.g. Bouwteams) to tackle such developments.

In this context, ensuring construction process efficiency requires flexible and responsive assistance to accurately identify the strategic decisions to be made and the legal requirements to be complied with.

Real estate and construction law Simont Braun Belgian business law firm

Experienced team with strong connections with the real estate and construction market

Simont Braun has solid and long-standing experience in the organisation and development of real estate projects, including the drafting of contractual documentation at all stages, the financing and tax structure of the real estate operation and client assistance during litigation. The team is also strongly connected to the real estate market and enjoys an excellent reputation with public authorities. Moreover, we are very well known for our thorough knowledge of property law.

The team assists Belgian and foreign investors, banks, project developers, public entities, companies and private individuals (architects, contractors, engineers, etc.) in all their real estate operations, projects and issues, whether they concern public services, housing, office buildings, shopping malls or cultural centres.

Our advice also covers  the management, optimisation and reorganisation of real estate portfolios.

Simont Braun is also widely renowned for its expertise in all aspects of construction law, where we assist all types of operators in the market.


Assistance before all courts and alternative dispute resolution

As and when required, we represent our clients’ interests before all judicial and administrative courts. The extensive experience of our lawyers ensures a competitive and efficient approach to all cases. 

Aside from court proceedings, we are convinced of the efficiency of alternative dispute resolution methods and of their ability to obtain a satisfactory outcome. We advise our clients to exploit such channels whenever the situation dictates. Thomas Braun is a recognised mediator in real estate and construction matters.


A comprehensive approach with an integrated team

We are particularly conscious of the need to understand the financial, technical, commercial issues of each client and file. We therefore focus our approach on a comprehensive business perspective with a high-level legal perspective to define a global strategy for each project. 

Simont Braun is one of the only law firms in Belgium where the real estate and public & administrative law teams are part of a single department working in a fully integrated manner. This integrated team is capable of handling matters involving both real estate and public/administrative aspects and to advise on the most demanding of issues in the field. The training of our associates ensures that they are equally specialised in both practice areas. This is a major benefit for our clients as their multi-disciplinary projects will be handled by one team, and not spread across different departments.


Focus on sustainable projects

We are particularly triggered by the vital importance of all environmental issues and of the growing empowering of circular economy in the real estate practice and develop dedicated services around these themes.

In a similar order of ideas, we also focus our services on Proptech (property and technology) which will sustain developers and investors in their efforts to improve the quality of their projects.  


Joris Beckers
Thomas Braun
Manuela von Kuegelgen
von Kuegelgen
Alexia Faes
Laura Grauer
Renaud van Melsen
van Melsen
Cédric Henet
Senior Associate
Laurine Gillot
Céline Moreau
