Substantial experience in assisting public entities
Simont Braun has an outstanding track record in assisting a wide range of public entities, from governments to public utilities providers, covering major projects and the most complex questions, whether at the global, cross-border or local public sector level.
Our team has gained substantial experience in advising clients on real estate matters, on administrative contracts including service concession or public procurement and on town planning, environmental law, corporate law and tax law.
As a result of our experience, we enjoy a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced in the public sphere and are able to offer our clients the best possible assistance, enhanced by the ability to adopt a private sector perspective.
We advise major operators in all sectors including infrastructure, telecommunications, financial markets, healthcare, transport and utilities (e.g. energy and water). Our clients are public authorities, financial institutions, regulatory bodies, utilities and private companies.
Multi-disciplinary approach
We are particularly well-positioned to advise on highly complex and multi-disciplinary cases involving public/administrative and corporate law issues, thanks to the integrated approach adopted by our lawyers specialising in corporate, real estate, administrative law and especially town planning and public procurement law.
At Simont Braun, a single team is capable of handling such multidisciplinary projects while providing advice for the most complex matters that arise in these areas. This is acknowledged as a major asset by our clients, who particularly appreciate this integrated method combined with a high level of specialisation. Moreover, we focus on technical aspects of the file which are of the essence in order to furnish practical and relevant opinions or to draft contractual documentation.
Legislative activities
Our team also regularly advises public authorities and actively participates in legislative processes. We have among others prepared the legislative texts relating to the public easement of STIB/MIVB (the public transport company for Brussels) within the context of the new Metro line. Manuela von Kuegelgen also regularly gives seminars to entities such as Citydev (the regional public company for the development of the Brussels Region), STIB/MIVB and the SNCB/NMBS (National Railway Company of Belgium).